Under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by section 105-369 of the North Carolina
General Statutes and pursuant to an order of the Board of Commissioners of McDowell County
dated February 10, 2025, I am hereby advertising tax liens for the year 2024 upon the real estate
described below. Amounts advertised include tax and interest through March 2025. The amount
advertised will be increased by additional interest and costs as they accrue, and the omission of
interest and costs from the amount advertised will not constitute a waiver of the taxing unit’s
claim for those items. The real estate that is subject to the lien, the name of the person to whom
the property is listed as of January 7, 2025 and the amount of the taxes due are set out below.
2024 tax liens for properties that have been transferred to a new owner of record since January 1,
2024, are included in this list in the name of the January 7, 2025 owner. Properties that have been
split or subdivided may be advertised in more than one name in this advertisement. All tax
amounts reflect the balance of tax (plus accrued interest through March 2025) as the property was
listed January 1, 2024. For purposes of this advertisement tax amounts for the split or subdivided
portions of a property have not been calculated separately.
If the taxes remain unpaid, the lien will be foreclosed by the taxing unit and the property sold to
satisfy the taxing unit’s claim for taxes.
This 18th day of March 2025,
Linda Onufrey
Tax Collector
McDowell County